

Descend into the abyss and embrace the ultimate darkness unleashed by DEATHROLL, the epitome of black metal. Experience the chilling power of music that awakens the lurking terror within the shadows. Let your body tremble and your soul be shaken by the madness of DEATHROLL's sound. Do you have the courage to avert your gaze from the deviant reality? Surrender yourself to the arrival of DEATHROLL, the new guiding force of black metal.

DEATHROLL is a Japanese solo black metal project, singer, songwriter, musician, and black metal band.
Born in Iwaki, Fukushima, DEATHROLL started his career in 2012 as solo black metal project and released his first album 荒涼(pronounced “kouryo”).
In 2014, DEATHROLL released his second album Brainwashing.
In 2015, DEATHROLL released his third album 破壊(pronounced “hakai”) from METAL JAPAN RECORDS.
After he released his fourth album Z.K.K. on 1st April 2017, he signed with Glob Metal promotion based in Russia on 1st August 2019.
His most recent album A SICK LIFE was released on 6 September 2019 with STF Records based in Germany to all around the world.
He released new digital single "Causing a Nightmare" on 8 October 2021 with STF Records based in Germany to all around the world.
He released new digital single "Why is your name on the deathroll?" on 18 March 2022 with STF Records based in Germany to all around the world.
He released new digital album "Immorality" on 6 August 2022 with STF Records.
Once you listen, he would catch you like black raptor.
DEATHROLL play music depicting the darkness of jet black. And break your heart.

We have signed a worldwide digital release agreement with Wormhole death on 13 February 2023

福島県を拠点に活動しているブラック、デスメタル系のソロプロジェクトバンドです。Metal Japan Records(日本)、STF records(ドイツ)、Imperative Music(ブラジル)、GlobalMetal promotion(ロシア)、Angels PR Worldwide music Promotion(ギリシャ)、WormHoleDeath(イタリア)と契約済。

2012/04/25 1st アルバム 「荒涼」発表及び活動開始。
2014/04/15 2nd アルバム 「Blainwashing」発表。
2015/10/12 Metal japan recordsより、3rd アルバム「破壊」を全国リリース。
2017/04/01 4th アルバム「Z.K.K.」無料配布開始。

ドイツのSTF Recordsより、2019/9/6 「A SICK LIFE」世界リリース。
2019/08/01 Glob Metal promotion(ロシア)と契約。

2019/10/20 福島県いわき市でレコ発ワンマンライブ。
2020/04/01 日本国内で「A SICK LIFE」リリース。
2021/10/08 ドイツSTF Recordsより、デジタルシングル"Causing a Nightmare"をワールドワイドリリース。
2022/03/18 ドイツSTF Recordsより、デジタルシングル"Why is your name on the Deathroll?"をワールドワイドリリース。
2022/03/25 Angels PR Worldwide music Promotion(ギリシャ)と契約。
2022/08/06 デジタルアルバム「Immorality」をSTF Recordsよりリリース。
2023/02/13 イタリア"Wormhole Death"とデジタルワールドワイドリリース契約。
2023/07/07 イタリア"Wormhole Death"より、デジタルアルバム"Japanese Extreme metal art"をワールドワイドリリース。



